I am involved in a swap on one of my Yahoo groups and this is what I have made for it. I took an old glove that I found at an estate sale and "redid" it. I had so much fun and a little help from my friend Suzanne in Australia. Such a nice lady she is.
We have been experiencing wonderful weather here in Oregon. At lease for me. I am praying that the heat is over and we continue with the cool/sometimes rainy weather. I have finally been sleeping well and being quite productive in the sewing room. I am almost finished quilting a quilt. I made 7 tissue cases on my embroidery machine this weekend, I did a lot of clean-up in the sewing room and made a really cute vintage spool pincushion as you can see above.
I know it's only September, but I am looking forward to December. I have two weeks off from work and I am not going to fall, do Christmas, or anything else that my DH wants me to do. I AM GOING TO SEW and enjoy my time off. I am gathering fabric (like I don't already have enough) and projects to work on while I am home. i promised myself I was going to do this last year, but had a nasty fall at work, that I am still recovering from, so this year is it.
This year is going to be ANETT time....sounds selfish, but that's the way it's going to go this year. I sound like this is really going to happen don't I! Well, if I can make it happen it will, but I rarely can pull something like this off. I know someone will come along and need help and I will not be able to say NO. I am still not very good at that one, but I am trying.
Have a good week all.
What a neat, creative pincusion - a refurbished glove. Now that's what I call CREATIVE!
The spool is cuteamous. It's all fun but do we HAVE TO TALK about Xmas already. Oh lordy bee! You're having lovely fall weather and we're in the middle of Hurricane season. Something is amiss...
*karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
I love your Spool :-)
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