Thursday, November 26, 2009

What am I thankful for?? Really Long......

On this beautiful Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for many things. I will probably ramble on here, but feel a need to type it all out. I will probably forget something or someone, but not intentionally.

I am thankful to my Grandmother for teaching what unconditional love is all about and for giving me the wonderful sense of humor that I have.

For my Brother Dave for keeping us going when we were young and for giving me my beautiful niece and nephews who I love dearly.

For my brother Bobby for making me laugh at the little dance he used to do for me that kept me in stitches and for my other beautiful niece and nephews who I dearly love.

For my brother Mike, whom I am getting to know again.

For my husband for sticking with me even when I am at my worst, which has been often lately with all the work I am doing. For giving me a chance to be involved in raising his children, whom I couldn't even imagine what my life would have been without them. Thank you Maryanne, Anthony and especially Johnnie and Evan (Squeaky).

For my grandbabies and my great grandbabies whom I love most especially.

For my niece Deanna who makes me laugh and cry, whom I love with all my heart and sends me great pictures.

For Nikki and Serenity the best birthday present ever! I love you so much.

For Gary, Jean, Beth and would we survive with out you all. I love you.

and...for all the wonderful friends I have acquired along the way in this life of mine. You are all dear to me...I think about you all the time.

1 comment:

*karendianne. said...

A lovely, thoughtful post. This must have been a very nice thing to contemplate and pull together.